Microneedling & Acupuncture Treatment


Microneedling effectively treats fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, improves skin texture and color and dramatically enhances effectiveness of skincare products. Visible results begin on the first day and continue for weeks afterward. As collagen levels continue to build up, your skin becomes more luminous and complexion more even. Great results with facial microneedling Your Acupuncturist is uniquely qualified to perform Microneedling due to their in-depth knowledge of Chinese Medicine. Combining this ancient medicine with modern technology enhances health and beauty from the inside out. Body acupuncture address the internal causes of aging and organ imbalances, which often appear on the face. Relaxing, restorative acupuncture treatments can be combined with microneedling, drastically enhancing the effects. This treatment includes facial microneedling, body acupuncture, LED facial light, facial mask and facial massage.
